Pokemon light platinum cheats codes gameshark
Description > Pokemon light platinum cheats codes gameshark
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Description > Pokemon light platinum cheats codes gameshark
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When you enter the Old Chateau, talk to the statue near the center room, than enter the center room. I only know of 2. Check for errors and try again.
You will need some full restores and revival herbs to use between Elite Four Lucian and League Champion Cynthia. What is the cheat of the rare candy too? It will take an exp.
Pokemon Light Platinum Cheats - Got something you would like to share with us and to fellow Pokemon Light Platinum fans?
Light Platinum Cheat engine Cheats Hi in this page i explain how y ou can get many things ingame without gameshark codes. I had the problem that no mater what i did i couldnt get gameshark to work. So i played with cheatengine 6. First a little turorial how to use Cheatengine. Money Trainer Screen How to get how much money you like. You can search like this after Money,how many items of any type you have what pokebalss even change the item to what you want. You can also search for how much life a pokemon has, aswell how much pp a specific atack has left, the best i think is if you search the level of the encounter you Pokemoon change what level the pokemon have you encounter. For items you search this way. Its platinnum complicated to change the item itself but i saved you much time i already found out the values of most items. I will put a list at the bottom of the page of some items i found. To change the item itself its a bit different. Same can be done for all the pokeballs.